Items where Author is "Chas, Ananda Puti Viera Anak Mas Aldrin Nasroel"
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LSPR (London School of Public Relations) is a private educational institution based in Indonesia, primarily focused on communication, public relations, and related fields. An "institutional repository" typically refers to a digital collection of an institution's scholarly and creative output, including research papers, theses, publications, and other academic materials.If LSPR has established an institutional repository, it would serve as a platform to showcase and preserve the intellectual work of the institution's students, faculty, and researchers. This repository could be used to centralize.
"It's a space where ideas flourish."
Chas, Ananda Puti Viera Anak Mas Aldrin Nasroel (2023) The Importance of Performing Arts on Increasing Interpersonal Communication Skills for Abang None Jakarta Selatan 2022 Through the "Gathering Night" Event. UGP-Thesis thesis, LSPR Communication and Business Institute.