Items where Division is "Government Public Relations" and Year is 2019
About Us
LSPR (London School of Public Relations) is a private educational institution based in Indonesia, primarily focused on communication, public relations, and related fields. An "institutional repository" typically refers to a digital collection of an institution's scholarly and creative output, including research papers, theses, publications, and other academic materials.If LSPR has established an institutional repository, it would serve as a platform to showcase and preserve the intellectual work of the institution's students, faculty, and researchers. This repository could be used to centralize.
"It's a space where ideas flourish."
Barata, Mariam Fatima (2019) Strategi Komunikasi Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika dalam Penanganan Penyebaran Informasi Hoaks di Media Sosial. PGP-Thesis thesis, LSPR Communication and Business Institute.
Bonardo S, Melvin (2019) Proses Disfusi Inovasi Pemberdayaan IRT Rusun Marunda dalam Memproduksi Kain Batik Semanggi: Studi Deskriptif pada Label Sejauh Mata Memandang. PGP-Thesis thesis, LSPR Communication and Business Institute.
Nugraha, Ananda (2019) Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan dan Publisitas Mal Pelayanan Publik terhadap Citra Pemerintah Kota Bekasi. PGP-Thesis thesis, LSPR Communication and Business Institute.
Octadiva, Myra (2019) Strategi Komunikasi PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) dalam Menangani Isu Agama: Studi Kasus Penanganan Demonstrasi di DAOP 1 Jakarta. PGP-Thesis thesis, LSPR Communication and Business Institute.
Rizkimawati, Dinda (2019) Studi Persuasi Pemerintah: Upaya Menkopolhukam dalam Menghadapi Gelombang Populisme Kanan di Indonesia Pasca Gerakan 212. PGP-Thesis thesis, LSPR Communication and Business Institute.