Items where Division is "Marketing Communication" and Year is 2018

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Number of items: 36.


Afifah, Isti Februari (2018) Personal Branding Analysis In The Profession of Modest Fashion Designer Through Social Media To Create Brand Awareness (Astudy of Vivi Zubedi : Indonesia Modest Fashion Designer) (Hanya Tersedia Hardcopy). PGP-Thesis thesis, LSPR Communication and Business Institute.

Alverina, Cornelia (2018) Analisis Makna Video Klip Agnez Mo: Long As I Get Paid Ditinjau Dari Semiotika Roland Barthes. PGP-Thesis thesis, LSPR Communication and Business Institute.

Ani, Surra Man Ra (2018) Pengaruh Cause Related Marketing Dan Brand Image Terhadap Brand Trust Pada Biro Travel Online (Studi Pengaruh Program "Journey for The Hope" PGP-Thesis thesis, LSPR Communication and Business Institute.

Anugrah, Vidia (2018) The Importance of A Trade Exhibition as An Integrated Marketing Communication Tool In B2B Sector. Case Study : Indonesia Infrastructure Week 2017. PGP-Thesis thesis, LSPR Communication and Business Institute.


Citra, Tyara (2018) Celebrity Endorsement on Social Media To Enhance Brand Image & Brand Loyalty : Molto EDP. PGP-Thesis thesis, LSPR Communication and Business Institute.


Elvina, .Elvina and Fitriani, Naomi and Mariska, Liesela (2018) Perencanaan Viral Marketing Untuk Menciptakan Brand Awarenes PGP-Non thesis thesis, LSPR Communication and Business Institute.

Eriyanti, .Eriyanti (2018) A Phenomenological Study of the Impact of Jakarta Gubernatorial Decree on Outdood Cigarette Advertising Ban. PGP-Thesis thesis, LSPR Communication and Business Institute.

Ermita, Bella Bunga (2018) Edukasi Kesadaran Merek Produk La Senza Indonesia : Kajian Integrated Marketing Communication. PGP-Thesis thesis, LSPR Communication and Business Institute.


Garry, Kannethly (2018) Konsep Perencanaan Komunikasi Pemasaran Digital Startup Business Media Geek & Hobi Spasikamu. PGP-Thesis thesis, LSPR Communication and Business Institute.


Hasanah, Nur (2018) Perencanaan Rebranding Pusat Kebugaran Strongholdz Jakarta Untuk Mengubah Persepsi Publik. PGP-Non thesis thesis, LSPR Communication and Business Institute.

Hutari, Rebecha Ananda (2018) Analisis Penerapan Tema Monochrome Brand Cozettes Dalam Membentuk Brand Identity Saat Melakukan Pemasaran. PGP-Thesis thesis, LSPR Communication and Business Institute.


Ibrahim, Reza (2018) Perencanaan Dan Implementasi Strategi Komunikasi Pemasaran Digital Pulau Dua Restaurant Dalam Membentuk Brand Awareness. PGP-Non thesis thesis, LSPR Communication and Business Institute.


Kirana, Anindya (2018) Religiosity and Halal Certification : The Extension of Theory of Planned Behavior (Study Case: Almeera Detergent as Halal Non-Food FMCG Product). PGP-Thesis thesis, LSPR Communication and Business Institute.

Kristiana, Faya (2018) Pengaruh Personal Selling,Sampling,dan Direct Selling Terhadap tingkat Loyalitas Pada Popok Dewasa Merek Lifree. PGP-Thesis thesis, LSPR Communication and Business Institute.

Kurniawati, Maria Eka (2018) The Effect of Multiple Product Endorsements by Celebrity in Instagram Toward Consumer Buying Behavior Study Case Nikita Willy And Huawaei Phone. PGP-Thesis thesis, LSPR Communication and Business Institute.


Medhavi, Dhita (2018) Analisis Semiotika : Makna Iklan Tokopedia Versi "Bergerak Bersama Indonesia". PGP-Thesis thesis, LSPR Communication and Business Institute.

Muthmainnah, Nurul Ningrum (2018) Pengaruh Ekuitas Merek Dan Motivasi Konsumen Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Smartphone Oleh Orang Tua untuk Anak Usia 5-11 Tahun di Jakarta (Hanya Tersedia Hardcopy). PGP-Thesis thesis, LSPR Communication and Business Institute.


Nasri, Lathfia Ameera (2018) Analisis Pola Komunikasi Keluarga (Suami-Istri) Dalam Pengambilan Keputusan Pembelian Produkinvestasi Reksa Dana: Studi Kasus Pada Investor Reksa Dana Saham Di PT Danareksa Investment Management. PGP-Thesis thesis, LSPR Communication and Business Institute.

Nasri, Lathifa Ameera (2018) Analisis Pola Komunikasi Keluarga (Suami-Istri) Dalam Pengambilan Keputusan Pembelian Produk Investasi Reksadana: Studi Kasus Pd Investpr Reksa Dana Saham Di PT. Danareksa Investment Management. PGP-Thesis thesis, LSPR Communication and Business Institute.


Octavia, Cecilia (2018) Analisis Faktor-faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Keputusan Pembelian Pada Situs Zalora. PGP-Thesis thesis, LSPR Communication and Business Institute.


Pratiwi, Wulan Dwi (2018) Pengaruh Terpaan Media Sosial Instagram Dan Intensitas Komunikasi Kelompok Referensi Terhadap Perilaku Konsumtif Followers @JKTFOODBANG. PGP-Thesis thesis, LSPR Communication and Business Institute.


Reinaldi, Adityo (2018) Persepsi Pelanggan PLN Daya 900 VA Atas Penyesuaian Subsidi Bertahap dan Penerapan Tarif Ganda Studi Kasus Pada Pelanggan di Tangerang. PGP-Thesis thesis, LSPR Communication and Business Institute.


Sarah, Mia (2018) Pengambilan Keputusan Generasi Muda Dalam Memilih Wirausaha Sebagai Bidang Karir. PGP-Thesis thesis, LSPR Communication and Business Institute.

Sari, Citra Puspita (2018) Analisis Semiotika Pada Iklan Jd.Id: #Dijaminori Menggunakan Semiotika Christian Metz. PGP-Thesis thesis, LSPR Communication and Business Institute.

Sarikho, Fandeline (2018) Pengaruh Kepercayaan Dan Konten Situs Zomato Terhadap Ketertarikan Pelanggan Dalam Memilih Restoran Putien Indonesia. PGP-Thesis thesis, LSPR Communication and Business Institute.

Setiawan, Muhammad Awaludin (2018) Motivasi Konsumen Dalam Memilih Jasa Senam Bayi Di Rockstar GYM. PGP-Thesis thesis, LSPR Communication and Business Institute.

Siahaya, Francine Josephine (2018) Program Komunikasi Untuk Meningkatkan Kesadaran Terhadap Tas Merek Antonio (Hanya Tersedia Hardcopy). PGP-Thesis thesis, LSPR Communication and Business Institute.

Soedjono, Wibowo (2018) Analisis Kegiatan Customer Relationship Management Melalui Membership Card Untuk Membentuk Rekomendasi Konsumen : Studi Kasus Pada Sogo Premiere Card. PGP-Thesis thesis, LSPR Communication and Business Institute.

Sutadi, Charissa (2018) Aku Ber-Indonesia Third Part of Marketing Communication Campaign for Teh Javana (Hanya Tersedia Hardcopy). PGP-Thesis thesis, LSPR Communication and Business Institute.

Sutjiadi, Inez and Okta, Anggorowati (2018) Perencanaan Marketing Promotion Rizfa Boutique Melalui Online Marketing. PGP-Non thesis thesis, LSPR Communication and Business Institute.

Syafei, Muhammad (2018) Penggunaan Fitur Aplikasi Nike + Run Club Sebagai Alat Aktualisasi Diri. PGP-Thesis thesis, LSPR Communication and Business Institute.


Ulva, Nadira (2018) The Impact Of Word of Mouth (WOM) on Repurchase Intention Through Brand Loyalty And Perceived Risk (A Case Study of RSIA Budi Kemuliaan Jakarta). PGP-Thesis thesis, LSPR Communication and Business Institute.

Ulva, Nadira (2018) The Impact Of Word of Mouth (WOM) on Repurchase Intention Through Brand Loyalty And Perceived Risk (A Case Study of RSIA Budi Kemuliaan Jakarta). PGP-Thesis thesis, LSPR Communication and Business Institute.


Yasmin, Prahastuti (2018) Strategi Dinas Pariwisata dan Kebudayaan Kabupaten Majalengka Dalam Mempromosikan Destinasi Wisata Paralayang. PGP-Thesis thesis, LSPR Communication and Business Institute.

Yulianita, .Yulianita (2018) The Antecedents of E-Commerce Purchase Behavior: Comparison Of Gen X And Gen Y In Jakarta, Indonesia. PGP-Thesis thesis, LSPR Communication and Business Institute.

Yustita, Annisa Dewi (2018) Marketing Communications Komunikasi Pemasaran Di Media Sosial PT. Phapros TBK Melalui Produk Antimo Anak Ditinjau Dari Sisi Motivasi (Antecedents). PGP-Thesis thesis, LSPR Communication and Business Institute.

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