Items where Division is "Marketing Communication" and Year is 2023
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LSPR (London School of Public Relations) is a private educational institution based in Indonesia, primarily focused on communication, public relations, and related fields. An "institutional repository" typically refers to a digital collection of an institution's scholarly and creative output, including research papers, theses, publications, and other academic materials.If LSPR has established an institutional repository, it would serve as a platform to showcase and preserve the intellectual work of the institution's students, faculty, and researchers. This repository could be used to centralize.
"It's a space where ideas flourish."
Adelia, Adiva (2023) Pengaruh Promosi "Gratis Ongkir" Dan Harga Terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan Pada Marketplace Shopee Dengan Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Variabel Moderating. PGP-Thesis thesis, LSPR Communication and Business Institute.
Afriyanty, Shintya (2023) Pengaruh Emotional Brand Attachment Dan Consumer Satisfaction Terhadap Brand Equity Pada Merek GUCCI. PGP-Thesis thesis, LSPR Communication and Business Institute.
Alexander, Billy and Marshelia, .Marshelia (2023) Implementasi Social Media Marketing Dalam Meningkatkan Jumlah Peserta Kursus Handarin. PGP-Non thesis thesis, LSPR Communication and Business Institute.
Alfiyahsari, Rifqi (2023) Model Social Media Marketing, Brand Awareness, Perceived Quality, Dan Brand Loyalty Pada Produk UMKM: Survei Pada Brand Your Hampers. PGP-Thesis thesis, LSPR Communication and Business Institute.
Alfreda, Elrica (2023) Strategi Komunikasi Pemasaran Digital Fairy Queen Balon Dalam Memperkuat Brand Awareness Melalui Tiktok. PGP-Thesis thesis, LSPR Communication and Business Institute.
Budiputranto, Radhitya (2023) Pengaruh Influencer Terhadap Minat Beli Melalui Brand Awareness Sebagai Variabel Intervening (Studi Kasus Brand Smokey Cheese Burger). PGP-Thesis thesis, LSPR Communication and Business Institute.
Butiyanda, Arki Wahyu (2023) Pengaruh Green Brand Image Dan Green Viral Communication Terhadap Behavior Intentions Serta Implikasinya Terhadap Pro-Environmental Behavior Dalam Pembangunan Ibu Kota Nusantara (IKN). PGP-Thesis thesis, LSPR Communication and Business Institute.
Debby, .Debby (2023) Pengaruh Konten Instagram Terhadap Minat Dan Keputusan Beli Produk Makanan Korea (Survei Pada Followers @Kaepjjangcafe”). PGP-Thesis thesis, LSPR Communication and Business Institute.
Devi, Kirana Sandra (2023) Pengaruh Electronic Word-Of-Mouth, Persepsi Kualitas, Dan Harga Terhadap Minat Beli (Studi Pada Online Bootcamp Digital Marketing Di Perusahaan Edutech). PGP-Thesis thesis, LSPR Communication and Business Institute.
Fadhilah, Aufa Rizki (2023) Implementasi Konten Komunikasi Pemasaran Chi Forest Indonesia Dalam Membangun Brand Awareness Pada Platform Instagram. PGP-Non thesis thesis, LSPR Communication and Business Institute.
Hardyansyah, Robby (2023) Pemaknaan Bahasa Slang Jakarta Selatan (JAKSEL) Sebagai Gaya Komunikasi Sebaya. PGP-Thesis thesis, LSPR Communication and Business Institute.
Indratno, Albertus (2023) Pengaruh Menonton Film Kartun “Kisah Si Aksa” dan “Si Geni” pada Mata Pelajaran Self Protection Education Terhadap Pemahaman Perlindungan Diri Siswa SD Tumbuh 1 Yogyakarta. PGP-Thesis thesis, LSPR Communication and Business Institute.
Iridi, Gabriela (2023) Pengaruh Brand Equity Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Pacifier Happy Paci Dr. Brown’s Melalui Brand Personality Dan Peranan Influencer. PGP-Thesis thesis, LSPR Communication and Business Institute.
Istifharin, Rinthia Mahardita (2023) Pengaruh Social Media Advertising, Celebrity Endorsements, Dan Brand Image Terhadap Purchase Intention Pada Produk Scarlett. PGP-Thesis thesis, LSPR Communication and Business Institute.
Joko, Lucius (2023) Strategi Komunikasi Dalam Kampanye Membangun Kesadaran Digi Sekami. PGP-Non thesis thesis, LSPR Communication and Business Institute.
Kardia, Trisnia Anchali (2023) Pengaruh Penggunaan Media Sosial Pada Intimacy Dan Kepuasan Dalam Hubungan Business To Business (Studi Kasus Pada GRAAS Sebagai Perusahaan Solusi E-Commerce). PGP-Thesis thesis, LSPR Communication and Business Institute.
Kosasih, Hilda and Cross, Jayne Salma and Chaerunnisa, Sabilla (2023) Social Media Marketing Planning To Increase Shopatbien’s Brand Awareness On Instagram And Tiktok. PGP-Non thesis thesis, LSPR Communication and Business Institute.
Kurniadi, Gabriella Felicita Putri (2023) Pengaruh Brand Transgression, Dan Brand Relationship Closeness Terhadap Minat Membeli Kembali Dimediasi Oleh Consumer Forgiveness (Studi Terhadap Fans K-Pop (EXO) Sebagai Pengguna Brand Whitelab). PGP-Thesis thesis, LSPR Communication and Business Institute.
Mitha, Jane (2023) Digital Marketing Communication Planning “Jamur Tiram Sehat” Tricho Tiram To Create Awareness In Indonesia. PGP-Non thesis thesis, LSPR Communication and Business Institute.
Pariasih, Erni (2023) Rancangan Media Online Vibekasi Untuk Millenials & Gen Z. PGP-Thesis thesis, LSPR Communication and Business Institute.
Pramulia, Danurifqi (2023) Digital Marketing Communication Dalam Meningkatkan Keterlibatan Melalui Konten Instagram Yang Dibuat Untuk Memudahkan Masyarakat Mengenal Sedjuk Bakmi Dan Kopi. PGP-Thesis thesis, LSPR Communication and Business Institute.
Puspitasari, Citra Siamy and Djaya, Khairunnisa (2023) Perencanaan Komunikasi Pemasaran Go Purun Melalui Instagram Dan Website Untuk Meningkatkan Brand Awareness. PGP-Non thesis thesis, LSPR Communication and Business Institute.
Qualimva, Felixia and Roshan, Prampal and Yunita, Michelle (2023) Strategi UMKM Organic By us dalam Membangun Brand Recall. PGP-Thesis thesis, LSPR Communication and Business Institute.
Rosyad, Aulia Sabila (2023) Resepsi Orang Tua Tentang Iklan Layanan Masyarakat "Tubuh Sehat, Tumbuh Kuat!" Dalam Membangun Kesadaran Mengenai Obesitas Pasca COVID-19. PGP-Thesis thesis, LSPR Communication and Business Institute.
Salim, Angelia (2023) Analysis Of Filmore's Marketing Communication Strategies For Girlfriend Menstrual Cup Through Instagram. PGP-Thesis thesis, LSPR Communication and Business Institute.
Salsabilla, Alita Mislia (2023) Analysis Of Leadership Culture Expectations On Job Satisfaction Of Generation Z Working At An International Youth Organization In Jakarta: Study Case Of AIESEC Indonesia. PGP-Thesis thesis, LSPR Communication and Business Institute.
Sirait, Raphael T.P.H. (2023) Analisis Penerapan Integrated Marketing Communication Pada Brain Academy Online By Ruang Guru Dalam Keputusan Pembelian. PGP-Thesis thesis, LSPR Communication and Business Institute.
Tania, Cinthya (2023) The Impact of Mindful Mindset and Mindful Behavior on High and Low Involvement Consumer Buying Decision. PGP-Thesis thesis, LSPR Communication and Business Institute.
Utami, Ajeng Azani Dwi and Sunaryo, Fadiya (2023) Perencanaan Komunikasi Pemasaran Digital Melalui Media Sosial Dalam Meningkatkan Brand Awareness @Theselfhug. PGP-Non thesis thesis, LSPR Communication and Business Institute.
Utami, Puput Putri (2023) Pengaruh Corporate Social Responsibility, Corporate Brand Dan Product Brand Terhadap Employer Branding PT. Goto Gojek Tokopedia Tbk. PGP-Thesis thesis, LSPR Communication and Business Institute.
Wear, Nadia Husna and Sistianinggaluh, Wilhelmina (2023) Strategi Rebranding Dalam Upaya Membangun Kembali Kepercayaan Konsumen Terhadap Antasari Place. PGP-Non thesis thesis, LSPR Communication and Business Institute.
Wulandari, Remia Putri (2023) Perencanaan Komunikasi Pemasaran Kata Semesta Untuk Meningkatkan Penjualan B2B Melalui Acara Semestarian Level Up. PGP-Non thesis thesis, LSPR Communication and Business Institute.
Zahra, Ratu Devindha Nur (2023) Pengaruh Sales Promotion Kopi Sebagai Variabel Moderator Terhadap Kualitas Produk Dan Minat Beli Produk Kopi (Studi Pada Cross-Selling Kopi Dan Tumbler Kopi Nako Rumah Sangrai Kota Bogor). PGP-Thesis thesis, LSPR Communication and Business Institute.