Analisis Strategi Media Relations Bank Syariah Indonesia Dalam Mengkomunikasikan Keberadaan Perusahaan Pasca Merger

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Wahyudi, anang (2022) Analisis Strategi Media Relations Bank Syariah Indonesia Dalam Mengkomunikasikan Keberadaan Perusahaan Pasca Merger. PGP-Thesis thesis, LSPR Communication & Business Institute.

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Penelitian ini membahas strategi relations yang digunakan oleh Departemen Corporate Communication Bank Syariah Indonesia dalam mengkomunikasikan keberadaan pasca merger. Kegiatan media relations penting dilakukan untuk mempublikasikan keberadaan Bank Syariah Indonesia yang baru berdiri hasil merger tiga bank sehingga dapat diketahui oleh masyarakat luas. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis dari elemen strategi media relations yang dilakukan oleh Bank Syariah Indonesia dalam mengkomunikasikan keberadaan perusahaan pasca merger, hambatan-hambatan dalam menjalankan strategi media relations serta upaya-upaya yang dilakukan dalam menghadapi hambatan-hambatan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi kasus melalui wawancara mendalam dengan tujuh narasumber yang berasal dari tim Departemen Corporate Communication Bank Syariah Indonesia, jurnalis media dan informan ahli. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, maka diketahui bahwa melalui strategi dan kegiatan media relations Bank Syariah Indonesia dapat luas mendapat pemberitaan dari media baik nasional, lokal dan internasional sehingga keberadaan perusahaan pasca merger dapat terkomunikasikan dengan maksimal dan tersampaikan dengan baik dan cepat kepada publik. Keberhasilan Bank Syariah Indonesia di tahun pertama pasca merger dalam strategi media relations dilakukan dengan pelaksanaan dan pemantauan kegiatan media relations yang baik sehingga mendapatkan dukungan yang baik dari media massa untuk publisitas perusahaan dengan capaian jumlah pemberitaan yang sejajar dengan perbankan besar nasional dan jauh di atas perbankan syariah lainnya.

This study discusses of the media relations strategy used by the Corporate Communication Department of Bank Syariah Indonesia in communicating the existence of post-merger. Media relations activities are important to do to publicize the existence of Bank Syariah Indonesia which has just been established as a result of the merger of three banks so that it can be known by the wider community. The purpose of this study is to analyze of the elements of the media relations strategy carried out by Bank Syariah Indonesia in communicating the existence of the post-merger company, the obstacles in carrying out the media relations strategy and the efforts made in dealing with the obstacles. The research method used is a case study through in-depth interviews with seven sources from the Corporate Communication Department team of Bank Syariah Indonesia, media journalists and expert informants. Based on the results of the research, it is known that through the strategy and media relations activities of Bank Syariah Indonesia, it is possible to get extensive coverage from the national, local and international media so that the existence of post-merger companies can be communicated to the maximum and conveyed properly and quickly to the public. The success of Bank Syariah Indonesia in the first year after the merger in the media relations strategy was carried out by implementing and monitoring good media relations activities so that it received good support from the mass media for company publicity with the achievement of the amount of news that was parallel to big national banks and far above other Islamic banking.

Keyword: Bank Syariah Indonesia,Media Relations Strategy, Company Presence, Post Merger

Item Type: Thesis (PGP-Thesis)
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HT Communities. Classes. Races
Divisions: POSTGRADUATE PROGRAMME > Corporate Communication
Depositing User: Ms Kartika S
Date Deposited: 29 Dec 2023 08:11
Last Modified: 29 Dec 2023 08:11

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